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Driving licence requirements for pupils seeking lessons  -

Before allowing a pupil to drive a driving school vehicle on the road,
an Instructor has to check that you are legally allowed to drive.

any instructor will need to have proof that you have the correct
driving licence entitlements to drive on a U.K. road.

Although the current photo card would be proof of ID, the Instructor would need to see that
there are no current disqualifications or penalty points that would prohibit the pupil from driving.

There are 3 criteria that a pupil should provide to Ardent Driving school to
enable the Instructor to be able to check the pupils entitlement.

The 3 pieces of information required are -

1. Driving Licence Number

2. The Driving Licence Issue Number

  3. "Share Your Driving Licence " Check Code

see graphic below for data location on a provisional licence
For  prospective pupils they should find the licence number and issue number
on the provisional licence issued by the D.V.L.A.
as above

to obtain the required "Share your licence" Check code
the D.V.L.A have provided an on-line check code enquiry service.

see below -
The Web Address for the check code service page is -

press the above link and it will take you directly to the service page
(If the correct data is entered onto this page this will allow a prospective pupil to gain
access to  the required data and they will be able to provide their
instructor with a generated "Share Your Driving licence" check Code)

To use this check code page you will need to provide -

  • Your Driving Licence Number

  • Your National Insurance Number

  • Your Post Code
so just to confirm what is required  -

pupils seeking lessons should provide the driving Instructor with -

  • the "Share your driving licence" check code.
(please note this code is case sensitive.)

  •  the last 8 digits of their 16 digit licence number

  • the 2 digit Issue number at the end of the licence number

Once this information has been checked by the school and a pupils entitlement
is proven then lessons on the road would be able to continue.

      (please note the school requires the above information at least 24 hours prior to a first lesson being taken)

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